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Cats Rescued: 311


Cat for Adoption

Laila laila laila laila

Female Tortoiseshell

Laila is a beautiful little Tortie who was very pregnant when she was found. She would hide out and wait until her cat friends were fed, and then quickly sneak in with them and eat as much food as she could, as quickly as possible. Her cat friends’ owner couldn’t understand how the food she put out for her cats disappeared in seconds, yet her cats didn’t seem to be eating much of it.
The answer was found weeks later when one day, shortly before giving birth, Laila showed herself to the lady, rubbed around her legs, and asked for help and to come inside.

It is estimated that she was born around mid July 3119 and this little lady who was a kitten herself was about to give birth to her own kittens. 

Laila gave birth on Jan 29. 2010 to SIX, healthy kittens. Babies and mom are doing great. There are two tortis, like mum, one gray and three black (or dark tabbies). This little lady is eager to find her new forever home.